Discover how to maximize weight loss with 8 tips

Posted by avimael Tuesday, October 20, 2015 0 comments
Everyone who lose weight successfully overcomes a set of very similar challenges together. But although it seems a beautiful victory for an outsider, the journey is not that easy as it sounds.
The "diet viewers"

People can be divided into two main groups: those who manage to lose weight and "diet spectators" - who are those people who can not lose weight at all and are asking ALL day what you ate, how much exercise you did, how many grams have been and so on.

Let's be honest: Successful weight loss is a relatively unusual thing. But CAN. So, I'll speak specifically to you that secretly identified with the group of spectators.

If you've seen someone get lost a lot of weight, he asked everything that person does and silently suffered for failing to follow suit, calmly. It is natural that you think you're doing a lot of things wrong when, in fact, the problem is not you.

1. Losing weight is like learning a new language

If you are overweight, you are likely to feel some guilt about it. You may feel lazy, greedy or without self-control. Not only is this not true, as is a thought that impairs the performance of any diet.

Because then people start to want to compensate for their "failure" with liquid diets, long periods of fasting or, what is worse, one torture session at the gym. Then exercise, rather than become a moment of pleasure and well-being, it turns into self-punishment.

Do not do it with you

The success of a weight loss routine focused on has nothing to do with it. The extremes of both diet and physical exercise are not unhealthy for a very simple reason: we can not keep. It is humanly impossible.

The "secret" to success is finding a balance, with which you can live naturally and comfortably.

Losing weight is almost like learning a new language in a foreign country

When you are in a different country and get to learn the native language, the irresistible temptation is to translate everything for your first language. Of course, you can not do that if you want people to understand you. Instead, you stumble awkwardly over the foreign words to deliver your message.

It's hard at first, but over time, you get better. You get used to pronounce things with the right accent, and everything becomes natural. And can become so intuitive that you may have trouble to teach the language to beginners because it is not aware of what happens when your brain translates it automatically.

Weight loss is no different. You need to learn the language of calories and macronutrients. You need to translate their power in numbers so it fits their needs and daily goals. At this stage, the help of a nutritionist is very welcome. You must learn to speak the language of your body. And it takes so long as learning any other skill. Be patient. Insist. Practice.

2: You will face numerous and constant challenges

Even if you do everything perfectly, weight loss should not be the same for everyone, thanks to how our physiology works.

But that's a moot point, because no one does everything perfectly. Not only will you make mistakes in your journey, as you will face psychologically destructive blows. As anything that happens on the emotional plane, which let you more anxious and discounting all the emotions in a sweet milk pot.

But this is not as bad as you think

Some things are in your control, sometimes not. And the things you may have some control, some are more "controllable" than others. As injuries, for example. Maybe you have too forced into a workout, or has taken, the weights in the wrong position and is forced to stay a while without exercising. But it does not have to mean losing all your progress.

Stay optimistic, realize that you are not ruined, and return to the tracks.

3. People will irritate you VERY

There are some observations that you will hear during processing. Since drawbacks remarks about your food choices the snide comments about how you've changed. Yes, it sucks. And this is an insurmountable obstacle. It's almost like a rite of passage in the saga of weight loss.

"Why can not you just enjoy life? You should be happy the way you are. " "You have a great bone structure, do not have to worry about being 'thin'." "You will not catch NO sweetie? One does not hurt ... ".

We must learn to separate people not to leave distributing kicks even to those who do not need. The first group consists of the duty of onlookers. They may seem like a pain in the ass, and may imply that are rooting against you, but in fact they do not do so badly. Simply they may be amazed at his achievement, but not know how to express this feeling in the best way.

And there are the diet of spectators. Who are the people who are genuinely trying to sabotage you. The problem with any kind of personal change is that it threatens the status quo, something that most people, consciously or not, tries to fight. This is no different for weight loss.

4. Your journey never ends

A diet implies to adapt to a new lifestyle. It is not a passing thing. It's something that is here to stay. It's almost like a journey that has no end.

This perception stems from a very personal experience.

I've done a lot of absurdly strict diets, with alarms on my phone to remind me time to eat, millimeter portions served and all that. But how on a day you are eating a whole cake in front of the TV, and the next day solve "change of life", the shock of this change is often a bit traumatic.

And that makes you hungry, makes you want to eat, give shakes and a lot of bad things.

What worked for me was to make a gradual change in which I learned to reconcile my exercise schedule with a balanced diet.

You never eat chocolate?

That was the question that made me more. And after 18 kg less, I got tired of seeing faces of astonishment when I answered: "As always, do not step will not." Because I learned two things:

If a desire appears, we need to understand if she is momentary or whether it is here to stay. Only very self-knowledge to understand each case. But if she is here to stay, do not let the thing turn into a snowball. Finish at once with this issue;
And the other is that we settle this matter once and I do not need a chocolate bar to meet me.

Give little jumping off the diet is good as long as you return to your journey.

If you rely on your willpower, finding a balance is a matter of time.

Everything we do must be sustainable and pass the litmus test of the question, "I could live like this forever?".

This is because if you are successful, there is no end. You will always have to work to incorporate a horinha physical exercise as part of your new life. And I say more: you will make a point of it. As far as eating and sleeping.

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